Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Think 14

learn technology tags organize search find advertise
I found the videos about Technorati very interesting. I like the idea of having user defined tags like the lady was saying. When you want to know about somethings, you don't want a professional view but ideas from everyday plain regular people. It is good to have both because it you can get a better overview. I think it was kind of cool that when you seach for certain things, the advertising on the page is related to what you searched for. I guess that is a bit commercial but it is kind of cool.
Technorati and the other tagging sites will be useful to me because it will help me find what other people are saying about topic of interest to me. Since I will be teaching a new grade level this year, I am excited to read about not only what is going professionally but also what the averge teacher things about kinergarten issues.

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