Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thing # 13 is a really great tool. And it is really easy to use and share. I liked the idea of having an agreed upon tag when working with a group. Then all the bookmarks on that topic would be easily found by all. I think this would be very easy for students to use in group research projects. Teachers could also make sets of sites for students to use in a similar way- using a special tag to ID the sites. This would be especially useful for younger students.
My only negative is similar to any searching in that when you enter in tag search, you can get a lot if unrelated stuff. I entered in Frogs and there were many sites tagged with frog that I do not know what it had to do with frogs. But that is a tech tek- to teach careful searching.
Great tool for researching especilly in groups even if the group members are from differnet places- maybe a penpal project??.

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